Friday, October 10, 2014

Week 40: Sun to Sea... the end of an amazing journey!

After pretending to be a local in Sun Valley, it was time to get back to Seattle to take care of doctor appointments, get Trooper’s rotting tooth pulled, and hang out with some very-much-missed friends. 

20,000 miles, 28 US States and 8 Canadian Provinces... 1 amazing journey!

Hood River, OR
En route to Seattle, I made a quick overnight stop in Hood River.  I had heard it was a mecca for wind/kitesurfing... I quickly learned why.

Early morning in the Hood

Can you spot the two rainbows?

T fighting the wind

Back Home in the beautiful Pacific Northwest
I spent 10 days in Washington, splitting my time between Alki, my brother’s house in Olympia and Seattle.

Thank you Nick, Megan, Marshal and Dillon for your love and support, for taking care of my vehicle while I was away, and for letting PattyWaggin call your yard home for a little while.  I love you all very much.

My precious nephews

It was amazing and soul-enriching to see some of my friends; Paige and Andrew, Skye, Alanna and Mort, Carrie, Jen and Kim, Christian, Steve... thank you for hanging out!

Waking up on Alki with Mount Rainier to greet me

Closeup... "The Mount is Out"

The majestic Olympic Mountains

One of my favorite birds looking for breakfast

Trooper taking a moment

Skye and her mad wine skills (and delicious dinner)... thank you!

Trooper and his girlfriend reunited

As always, he's frisky and she's playing hard to get

Finally... a little smooch!

My "Canadian" girls, Jen and Kim

Christian, looking GOOD!

Thanks for putting up with my "creative" shot

Seven years and finally, breakfast at Endolyne Joe's... thanks Steve!

One final shot in front of the beautiful Seattle Skyline

A HUGE thank you Alanna, Mort and Alex for letting "Troopa" and me stay at your house in Seattle!  It was great having you to myself for a few days.

Great friends Alanna, Mort and Carrie (and my fav Port to celebrate)

Alex and her beloved "Troopa"

I think you need a puppy dog for Alex ;)

The precious Alex

And a VERY well-behaved little girl

A father's love

Walking around Alki and driving through Seattle and Olympia left an undeniable feeling that this area is no longer my home.  I love and tremendously miss my family and friends, but it is time for a new beginning.  And where better than the friendliest town I visited along my journey?  So on Thursday, 10/9 I made the 13-hour trek from Olympia, WA to Sun Valley, ID.  My hope is to be a ski instructor for the winter and finally, at the age of 43, fill a lifelong dream to live in a quintessential ski town.

To the next chapter in this amazing journey...

I want to thank everyone who followed my journey for your support, kind words, and encouragement.  I find it surreal that I spent 9 months driving 20,000 miles through 27 US States and 8 Canadian Provinces.  The places, the people, the journey have all changed me in ways that I never dreamed of but am completely humbled by and grateful for.  Quitting my corporate job to live in an RV and follow wherever my heart led was the best decision of my life and I encourage anyone reading this to take a chance and follow your own heart and dreams… pure magic awaits.

LIVE each day
LOVE every moment
OPEN your heart
EXPLORE your should
LET miracles happen

To continue two newfound passions of mine (blogging and photography), I’m starting a new blog called “SunValleySkiBum”… I hope you enjoy!

Thanks and until our paths cross… 

Friday, October 3, 2014

Week 39: Zion to Sun Valley, ID

After leaving Zion and heading north on Interstate 15, I felt a wonderful sense of excitement; it was the first time since Jasper, Alberta that the RV, Trooper and I were headed in a northern direction.  

I was heading for Park City, UT which was the last stop on my list of places to visit.  It was with mixed emotions knowing that my journey was coming to end; I had no idea where I was going to call home but was overwhelmed with joy that 9 months and 20,000 miles were behind me.  The journey has been blessed with health, safety, wonderful new friends, and beauty and magic that photos and a blog will never quite justify.  

Park City, UT
When I arrived in Park City on Wednesday morning, 9/17 I pulled into the nicest Visitor Center I have seen.  It overlooks the Olympic ski jumps and is home to a great little coffee shop called Hugo’s.

The Olympic Ski Jumps with signs of Fall

I decided to stay at Jordanelle State Park just outside Park City for a couple of days to enjoy some R&R after a speed tour through Southern Utah.  The park's reservoir and views of the gentle mountains of Deer Valley Ski Area with brilliant fall colors of yellow and red were a perfect setting.  Trooper and I enjoyed early morning and dusk walks to enjoy the cool temperatures.  For the first time, it felt like we were greeted by Fall.  

Our campsite overlooking the Jordanelle Reservoir

Deer Valley from our campsite

Bright signs of Fall

Trooper enjoying a sunset dip

On Friday, 9/19 I felt well rested and drove into downtown Park City.  The town roads were tight and maneuvering the RV was a bit tough, so I went back to the Ski Area to park and walk into town.  The town is smaller than I thought and clearly off-season with few people and lots of construction.  I grabbed breakfast at Atticus Books and walked around town for a little while.  

Park City Mountain Resort

During my time on the road, I have learned to trust my intuition and since I wasn’t “feeling it” in Park City after just a few hours, I continued north on I-15.  I wasn't quite sure where I was heading, but after chatting with my father and hearing his fond memories of Idaho, I decided to head into Sun Valley.  The drive out of Salt Lake City was a bit white-knuckled with all the traffic (and who knew Park City is literally a suburb of SLC?). 

Sun Valley, ID
After 7 hours of driving, I pulled into Snowbunny Drive-In in Hailey, ID.  The parking lot was packed and I was hungry, so my assumption that it must be a local favorite proved correct.  Trooper and I devoured a delicious burger and fries on our drive into Ketchum, ID.

It was getting dark and I had no idea where I was staying or what options I had.  After driving around for a bit and finally stopping a local cop, he told me to drive in any direction and “just find a spot to pull over”.  A very different reaction than most local authorities when asking where to park a 27' rig.  I found Boundary Campground just north of town and pulled in just in time to call it a night and fall asleep to the sounds of wolves howling and elk bugling… one of the first nights I slept with my bedroom window all the way open.

Great campsite with Bald Mountain in the background

As if HE'S done all the driving!

I spent Saturday working on the RV and trying to repair the windshield with super glue (in 20,000 miles I had no issues until I hit highway 75 into Sun Valley where, in 30 minutes, I had two rocks dent the windshield!).  On Sunday, 9/21 I thought I was going to part ways with Sun Valley but after meeting several locals walking around town, I decided to stick around.  I was overwhelmed with the welcoming and generous vibe.

At Velocio Coffeehouse (ironically previously a Tully's), I met Scott, his daughter Emma and their 5-month old mini-Labordoodle while sitting outside enjoying a gorgeous sunny morning.  After a little while, Scott offered to take me on an afternoon hike or show me around town.  I needed to do laundry, so after exchanging information, I headed to LaundroMutt where I met the owners Candi and Bruce.  After a few minutes, Candi and Trooper were snuggled on the lawn outside and not only did she invite me to dinner, but she gave me their YMCA pass to shower while I waited for my laundry.  

Scott and I on a local hike

Trooper with a new girlfriend, Candi

Yes, that's a bright pink lip smack!

This place called Sun Valley quickly and undeniably became the friendliest town I had ever been to.  So, I did what anyone would do… I spent the next week pretending to be a local.  As each day passed, I met so many locals who offered to help me find a job, a house, and even a husband!  It was a week blessed with amazing new friends, dinner at great places like Enoteca (ironically used to be the Starbucks), hiking and mountain biking the plethora of great trails, and simply falling in love with Sun Valley.  

Last sign of summer in Sun Valley?

Trooper hanging in Ketchum

River Run base of Bald Mountain (can you say 3,000 foot vertical?)
Attempting to ride to the top of Bald Mountain (didn't make it... I'll blame altitude)

One of the nicest ski lodges I've seen.. can't wait for Apres Ski!

View of the Sawtooth Mountains

End of a great hike to Titus Lake (Galena Summit)

One day perhaps he'll actually learn to swim

Redfish Lake near Stanley, ID

Beautiful clear water sitting at 6,500'

Salmon River in Stanley

Signs of Fall mixed with evergreens and beautiful blue skies

Did I mention the blue skies?  Guess I know why it's called Sun Valley!

Not only is this place a mecca for the outdoor enthusiast, but the locals are genuinely and completely interested in how they can welcome and help you.  Sun Valley, NICELY DONE!