Friday, October 10, 2014

Week 40: Sun to Sea... the end of an amazing journey!

After pretending to be a local in Sun Valley, it was time to get back to Seattle to take care of doctor appointments, get Trooper’s rotting tooth pulled, and hang out with some very-much-missed friends. 

20,000 miles, 28 US States and 8 Canadian Provinces... 1 amazing journey!

Hood River, OR
En route to Seattle, I made a quick overnight stop in Hood River.  I had heard it was a mecca for wind/kitesurfing... I quickly learned why.

Early morning in the Hood

Can you spot the two rainbows?

T fighting the wind

Back Home in the beautiful Pacific Northwest
I spent 10 days in Washington, splitting my time between Alki, my brother’s house in Olympia and Seattle.

Thank you Nick, Megan, Marshal and Dillon for your love and support, for taking care of my vehicle while I was away, and for letting PattyWaggin call your yard home for a little while.  I love you all very much.

My precious nephews

It was amazing and soul-enriching to see some of my friends; Paige and Andrew, Skye, Alanna and Mort, Carrie, Jen and Kim, Christian, Steve... thank you for hanging out!

Waking up on Alki with Mount Rainier to greet me

Closeup... "The Mount is Out"

The majestic Olympic Mountains

One of my favorite birds looking for breakfast

Trooper taking a moment

Skye and her mad wine skills (and delicious dinner)... thank you!

Trooper and his girlfriend reunited

As always, he's frisky and she's playing hard to get

Finally... a little smooch!

My "Canadian" girls, Jen and Kim

Christian, looking GOOD!

Thanks for putting up with my "creative" shot

Seven years and finally, breakfast at Endolyne Joe's... thanks Steve!

One final shot in front of the beautiful Seattle Skyline

A HUGE thank you Alanna, Mort and Alex for letting "Troopa" and me stay at your house in Seattle!  It was great having you to myself for a few days.

Great friends Alanna, Mort and Carrie (and my fav Port to celebrate)

Alex and her beloved "Troopa"

I think you need a puppy dog for Alex ;)

The precious Alex

And a VERY well-behaved little girl

A father's love

Walking around Alki and driving through Seattle and Olympia left an undeniable feeling that this area is no longer my home.  I love and tremendously miss my family and friends, but it is time for a new beginning.  And where better than the friendliest town I visited along my journey?  So on Thursday, 10/9 I made the 13-hour trek from Olympia, WA to Sun Valley, ID.  My hope is to be a ski instructor for the winter and finally, at the age of 43, fill a lifelong dream to live in a quintessential ski town.

To the next chapter in this amazing journey...

I want to thank everyone who followed my journey for your support, kind words, and encouragement.  I find it surreal that I spent 9 months driving 20,000 miles through 27 US States and 8 Canadian Provinces.  The places, the people, the journey have all changed me in ways that I never dreamed of but am completely humbled by and grateful for.  Quitting my corporate job to live in an RV and follow wherever my heart led was the best decision of my life and I encourage anyone reading this to take a chance and follow your own heart and dreams… pure magic awaits.

LIVE each day
LOVE every moment
OPEN your heart
EXPLORE your should
LET miracles happen

To continue two newfound passions of mine (blogging and photography), I’m starting a new blog called “SunValleySkiBum”… I hope you enjoy!

Thanks and until our paths cross… 


  1. Traci Richards ConnerOctober 22, 2014 at 11:48 AM

    Reading this makes me kick myself even harder that I didn't see you when you were on Alki. What to say, Casto? You're a true-blue inspiration. How many people have the courage to stop the wash-rinse-repeat cycle of their lives and listen to their hearts? Much less follow through? You're it, my friend.

    I don't want to say, I "hope" your heart has guided you well. I KNOW it did. Sun Valley has gained a tenacious, wickedly smart, sassy, beautiful woman. Not to mention, one of the most huggable, adorable dogs on the planet (don't tell Bailey). I won't miss my next chance to visit if I'm ever in your neck of the woods, you better make room next to the fire for me (and my husband!)

    Cheers to you and to Trooper!


  2. Ditto what Traci said. Miss you, Casto! -Stephanie Kramer Berg

  3. Good on ya ! What a time you have had. Enjoy your next phase in life with Trooper .Moira and Chris- Niagara Falls Ont.
