Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Week 7: Gulf of Mexico

After one week of relaxation and getting PattyWaggin back to health, it was time for some fun in the sun!  Dad and I went to Cedar Key and Horseshoe Cove, both located on the Gulf of Mexico.

Cedar Key
Cedar Key is about 1.5 hours southwest of Dad’s house and where his RV stays most of the year.  He had a board meeting for the RV Park on Thursday, 2/6 so we got up early and headed to Cedar Key for the day.  We stopped at the RV park so I could meet some of Dad’s “snowbird friends”, including Harley (a 140lb Bernese Mountain Dog).  After our greetings, we headed to downtown Cedar Key and stopped at Tony’s for lunch.  Tony’s won the Clam Chowder World Championship three years in a row thus retiring the recipe into the Great Chowder Cook-Off Hall of Fame.  With so many accolades, Dad and I went for the “superbowl” size.  The chowder was one of the best I have ever tasted, but I don’t think I would order a superbowl again.  If you’re interested, they now sell it in cans (www.tonyschowder.com)!

Tony's famous superbowl clam chowder
Trooper waiting somewhat patiently outside
Dad & the pups ready to check out Cedar Key

Even though the weather was cool and rainy, I decided to stay in Cedar Key for a few hours while Dad attended the board meeting.  Cedar Key is a tourist area but since it’s winter, and I’m assuming northern Florida isn’t a popular snowbird destination, it was quiet and many stores were closed.  Trooper and I walked around the tourist beach area for a while then headed out on highway 24.  We found a short trail called Railroad Tressel Nature Trail that took us out into the back bayou.  I wanted to let Trooper in the water, but was worried about alligators so I only let him wet his paws.  

Cedar Key Bayou
T in the back bayou

On our walk back towards the beach, I found Kona Joe’s Cafe and since it was starting to drizzle, I stopped for a cup of coffee.  The cafe had a wonderful wraparound covered patio and allowed dogs.  The owner insisted that I try their key lime pie.  I can’t remember the last time I had key lime pie, so I happily ordered a slice with a mocha.  It was yummy!  The graham cracker crust was buttery and crisp and the key lime was the perfect balance of sweet and tart.  As I enjoyed my afternoon snack, the skies opened and rain poured down.  Living in Seattle, downpours are rare and I was thrilled to be on a covered porch enjoying the sound and smell of heavy rain.  

Kona Joe's - a must visit cafe in Cedar Key
Clearly T is distracted
And now we know why!
Delicious key lime pie... and this is "light on the whip"
Bathroom decoration at Kona Joe's... perhaps Starbucks' next mermaid?
T & I waiting out the storm... and yes, the boat is sitting on land in low tide

As soon as the rain let up, T and I headed back to the beach to wait for Dad.  As we waited, the temperature dropped and a thunderstorm rolled in over the water.  Thunder is something that I miss from the East Coast, so I sat under a pavilion and just enjoyed it.

Trooper wishing the sand was snow!
Trooper & I waiting for the thunderstorm

Horseshoe Cove
On Monday, 2/10 Dad, his friend Dennis and I headed to Horseshoe Cove for a day of fishing because they heard “Horshshoe is hot”!  Dad has a little fishing boat and even though I wasn’t allowed to fish, I was looking forward to a day on the water.  I was also very excited to have fresh caught fish for dinner that night!  Our plan was to be on the water two hours before high tide and two hours after.  When we started trolling out to the channel, it dawned on me that this was my Monday morning commute and all I could do was smile.  The days of Monday morning dread seem far behind me and I love it!  It was surprising how shallow the water was; even though we were miles from shore, the depth averaged 4 - 5 feet.  The sky was blue, the winds calm and the air had a nice chill to balance the warmth of the sun.  Unfortunately, the fish were no where to be found.  The entire four hours on the water, neither Dad nor Dennis had even a nibble.  At one point, they “went to the bottom” with live shrimp and got nothing (apparently, this is a sure way to catch bottom dwellers like catfish).  The hubbub about “Horseshoe being hot” was false; or perhaps, that is just how fishing goes.  The highlight for me was the dolphins.  They were all around us coming in with the tide and bait fish.  There is something so peaceful about being on water and the dolphins made it a very special day.

Beautiful start to a Monday morning
Check out the depth finder and the shoreline far far away
Highlight of my day!
Gulf bait still very much intact 
Tanning the feet
Dad chillin' and fishin'
Father / Daughter time
Beautiful pelicans
New meaning to "house boat" 
Pelican closeup
Dad with his serious face on to line up the boat

Misc. Photos
Target practice... who has the better shot?
This is a common sign in FL and I don't need to be told twice!! 
T & I enjoying Oleno State Park

Final Thoughts

Typically this time of year, Trooper and I are spending weekends in Washington’s Cascade Mountains skiing and snowshoeing.  It’s strange to be in warm and sunny weather in winter, and there is a part of me that heavily misses the mountains and snow.  Trooper most definitely misses it, but has validated his name; he is SUCH a trooper at everything we do and everywhere we go.  Even though Florida is not my place of choice, I am finding beauty in it.  There is accessible water everywhere, the birds are distinctly beautiful, and the state parks are very well taken care of.  And of course, my father and Vanessa live here, so the snow will have to wait.  I can’t remember the last time I spent two weeks with my father and I cherish the time we have had.  I have been reminded where I get my determination, common-sense, and sweet tooth!  Dad, thank you and I love you!

Until next time...


  1. Well clearly you haven't had my AWARD WINNING key lime pie. I've devastated many a baking contest with that pie and I'm sure I could take on Kona Joe's! On another note - you're a dead shot! If we are ever in a zombie apocalypse I want to be right behind you.

  2. Looking good and health

  3. It was good to meet you today. Cedar Key is such a laid back, quaint little town. As for the fish not biting, I've often heard the phrase, "You should have been here yesterday!".
    Safe travels.

  4. Been catching up on your blogs pictures are amazing photography u are great at it lol pics are wicked cool
