Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Week 15: More Hometown Fun to Milford, NJ

My third week in the Poconos was filled with much of the same as the first two weeks… hiking, friends and more martinis!  As each day began, I hoped and looked for signs of Spring.  A trip 1.5 hours south to visit a friend surprised me with warm breezes, green grass and blooming daffodils.  It was also a great weekend reconnecting with some old friends and making new ones.

Hometown Fun
This week gave way to several perfect springlike days with clear skies, warm sun, birds nesting and blades of green grass appearing through the brown winter cover.  Many mornings, I took my coffee and camera outside waiting for wildlife to join me.

A young male turkey also known as a "Jake"
A Blue Jay and Eastern Gray Squirrel sharing breakfast
Eastern Bluebirds building their nest
I couldn't identify these, but they were fighting the Bluebirds for the space
A male Wood Duck heading into the stream
American Red Squirrel stealing bird food

Thursday, 4/10, was a great day for a long hike so Trooper and I headed out early for Lower Lake, which ended up being an eight mile trek.  The hike was a good reminder of how much beauty is in the Poconos with dense forests, rolling streams and pristine lakes.  It was a long hike but Trooper and I enjoyed the day too much to think about our tired legs (or the fact that I dropped and cracked my zoom lens… fortunately it still works).

T checking out a small pond
Little falls
Bigger falls
The biggest of them all
Warm sun and blue skies... perfect Spring day!

Friday, 4/11 was Corine’s dance recital and would be the first time I saw her on stage.  Knowing “Beanie” (as I’ve called her since she was four) for twelve years and watching her grow into a beautiful young woman has been a joy.  It’s hard to believe that she is sixteen years old and about to drive, but then again, she’s been mature and sweet beyond her years since I met her.  It was tough getting good photos in the theater, but she is an elegant dancer and I’m thrilled I went.  It was also a good excuse for Jen, Cathie, Linda and me to dine at Billy B’s Martini Bar and make sure the martinis were as good as I originally thought… and indeed, they were!

Ladies night out for Beanies dance recital
The only high school team invited to Marywood College to perform (Beanie is on the right)
Back to Billy B's Martini Bar! 
We clearly love our Friday night martinis!
As do Cathie and Linda

One evening, I went to dinner with Gwen.  She worked with my mother in the local hospital operating room for years.  Prior to that evening, I had only spent time with Gwen as my mother’s friend.  Sitting with her in the empty restaurant and sharing our stories over a carafe of wine gave way to a new friendship grounded in an appreciation of health, travel and making everyday count.  As grateful as I am to reconnect with my friends, spending time with people who were close to my mother and hearing their stories has been an unexpected delight.  Gwen is an inspiration and I hope one day to trek a magical place with her.

Enjoying a night with an amazing woman

Milford, NJ
On Saturday, 4/12 I headed south to cross the Delaware River which divides PA and NJ to visit my dear friend Chris.  I lived in Bucks County (just north of Philadelphia) from 1997 to 2000 and ran around with Chris and his friends.  On both sides of the Delaware River you will find one small, quaint town after another.  Dating back to the early 1800’s, the Delaware Canal was used as a transportation corridor between New York and Philadelphia.  The area is filled with bridge-tender houses, remnants of locks and hand built stone-arch culverts.  Chris and his family now live in one of these quaint towns on the Jersey side.  I was looking forward to this trip because one of our other buddies, Matt, was joining us for the evening.  When I arrived, Chris said that several neighbors were also partaking, so it ended up being a great evening filled with delicious food, old and new friends, and fire pit s’mores (one of my favorite things… with the brilliant addition of peanut butter!).  It had been a long time since I stayed up until 3am, but sitting around the fire with Chris and Matt was well worth sacrificing sleep.  I spent a couple of days with the family and want to extend a huge thanks to Chris, Lara, Brooke and Erin for being great hosts, and to Matt and Maria for making the night even more entertaining!

The "old" gang back together
The beautiful Mrs. Gatley with a root beer vodka and seltzer (delicious!)
Trooper making new friends
A beautiful evening for a fire
Erin, my roommate for the evening
A quiet next morning 
Spring is here!
The boys and their beautiful children out for a morning walk
Matt's boys know how to work the dads!

We spent Sunday enjoying the local charm of Milford including Ringing Rocks County Park and Jimmy's.  Ringing Rocks is a 7-acre boulder field with a unique characteristic.  When the rocks are hit with a hammer, they make a sound similar to striking a metal pipe.  This is a great place for kids (and adults) to climb the rocks with hammers in hand looking for the perfect chime.

Everyone ready to go!
Erin ready to strike (with Dad and Trooper in the background looking on)
The boulder field
Erin and Brooke looking for the perfect "ringing" rock
T & I taking a break
Chris and the girls taking a break
Some afternoon fun to cool down
What goes around comes around (Brooke's brilliant cover idea)
Sunday night at Jimmy's Ice Cream stand... I think the whole town was there!

Final Thoughts
Reflection.  Spending so much time in one place allows me to get comfortable and forget that I’m a full-time RVer.  I left Seattle 100 days ago, crossed through 17 states and covered over 8,000 miles.   The west coast was a lot of alone time visiting one remarkable place after another while the east coast has been visiting one person after another reminiscing and reconnecting.   I can only imagine what the next nine months and thousands of miles will bring as I head into New England and Canada.  I want to thank those of you who made time for me and welcomed me into your homes.  This journey has been amazing and reconnecting with many of you has enriched my soul and reminded me how blessed I am…. thank you!

Thanks for reading!  Until next time...

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Week 14: Hanging in the Hometown

The first week back in my hometown was a whirlwind of activity and I’m happy to report that week two settled down a bit and gave way to a lot of hiking, eating and being part of the Peifer’s everyday lives.

Part of this journey is figuring out when to stay and when to move on.  I’ve visited places where it was time to move on after a few hours and other places where I could have stayed much longer than I did.  But no place has felt as “normal” and relaxing as being back in the Poconos.  Perhaps it’s the woods, the wildlife, the close community, or just the fact that I spent the majority of my life here, but it is SO damn good being back!  It has been a tough winter here in the northeast and it will take time to thaw, but waiting for the weather to warm up before heading north is a great excuse to keep me here a little while longer.

It was definitely still winter in the Poconos!

Growing up in a tourist area had its advantages with unlimited outdoor fun to be had all year long.  The primary draw to this area of the Pocono Mountains is Lake Wallenpaupack.  If this sounds familiar to you, it’s probably because it was put on the map during the “Booze Cruise” episode of The Office (yes, we had many of those growing up!).  The lake is a reservoir created by the Pennsylvania Power & Light Company in 1926 for hydroelectric purposes.  It is 13 miles long, 1 mile wide at its max, and has 52 miles of shoreline.  The Lenape Indians named this area Wallenpaupack which means “The Stream of Swift and Slow Water”.  When I arrived here a couple of weeks ago, the lake was still frozen but as the days pass, the ice is receding and signs of Spring are revealing themselves.  I can’t think of a better place to be to watch Spring spring alive!

The lake in detail
Dwight on the "Lake Wallenpaupack Booze Cruise"... hilarious show and great episode! 
Speaking of Spring, apparently the bears are waking up... Jen caught this from her car shortly after we jogged by the house

Schumans Point
This 3-mile hike was my go to place for a little exercise when I lived here.  Schumans is one of the last undeveloped areas around the lake and since it’s a point, most of the hike gives easy access to the water and some great views.  Trooper and I headed out there a couple of times to revisit one of my favorite trails and look for photo ops.

Ready for a great hike!
Soaking it all in
Trooper enjoying the cold water
Epply Island, the largest of four islands on the lake
An amateur bald eagle chillin' on the ice
Patiently waiting
View of Tanglwood Ski Area from across the lake

Tanglood Ski Area
As the lake gave us summers filled with jobs and memories, Tanglwood Ski Area did the same in winter.  I skied there since middle school and then worked as a lift attendant when I was sixteen.  After one season sitting in tiny booths freezing and watching people get dragged up the tow rope by their scarves and mittens, I decided it was time to get out on the snow.  The next season, I became a ski instructor.  I loved teaching people how to ski and spent my high school and college winters doing just that.  Tanglwood provided years of fun, friendships and harmless mischief.  Some of my fondest memories growing up are from the days on the mountain.  Unfortunately, Tanglwood closed a few years ago.  I drove up to check things out and was heartbroken to see the shape it’s in.  Trooper and I walked the slopes while I took photos and laughed as so many wonderful memories came to my mind.  Anyone reading this who made the years at Tanglwood so precious, thank you!!

Top of the mountain with the lodge on right and bunny hill shack on left (with Lake Wallenpaupack in the background)
The bunny hill shack I spent many hours working in
Heartbreaking to see it this way
Wildcat, one of two black trails, with a whopping 415' vertical drop (yes, that'a a tree in the middle of the slope at the bottom)
T & I enjoying the view and memories

Good Food & Great Friends
Around the insane Peifer schedule of school, basketball, baseball and dance, Jen and I managed to enjoy delicious food, great martinis, and good old fashioned girl time.  I must thank Jen and the family again; they give new meaning to the phrase “mi casa su casa”… love you Bif!  I’m afraid I will wear out my welcome, but Eli (the 7-year old) made it all right when he told Jen “Friend Jenn needs to move into our house and it’s not up for discussion”.  Corine gave me the name “Friend Jenn” when she was four to help distinguish me and “the Jen”.

Thanks Corine!  I've missed you all too... very much
Martinis or dessert?  Round 1: Fruit Loop Martini (left) and Lemon Meringue (right) complements of Billy B's Martini Bar in Dunmore
Round 2: Pumpkin Pie Martini (left) and Mint Chocolate Chip Martini (right)... check out the ridiculous list of martinis (aka desserts)!
Billy B's not only serves candy-like martinis, but also savory and delicious dinners
Another great meal... "Authentic Spanish Chorizo Sandwich" at Branko's Patisserie du Jour in Honesdale

I was blessed to spend an afternoon with Rich Myers, who built our log cabin in 1979 and has been a family friend ever since.  He is a great man who gives unconditionally to his family and who was a dear friend to my mother.  He was also the inspiration behind my mother buying my Nikon D300 as a gift before she passed away.  This camera has been around the world and captured some amazing things… thank you Richie!

My dear friend Rich Myers
Trooper getting his way... and yes, Rich puts hazelnut creamer AND sugar in his coffee (at least it was Starbucks)

Final Thoughts
Amazing Women.  As I sit here on a weekday morning (noon really) in my pajamas drinking a third cup of coffee, I want to give props to the amazing women I am surrounded by.  Immersing myself into Jen’s world has given me a newfound appreciation of her and so many others.  She is a high-school teacher, a politician’s wife, a loving mother of three, a devoted friend to many, and a woman who puts home cooked meals on the table every night while running three children in three different directions, maintaining a beautiful home, and somehow maintaining her sanity (99.9% of the time :)).  I am simply in awe of her.  I am also exhausted just trying to keep up with this family!  To all the women who are wives, mothers, workers, and whatever other roles you play… you are amazing and the people in your lives are truly blessed for all you do.

Thank you for reading and until next time...