Sunday, January 5, 2014

Week 1: Seattle to San Francisco

The drive from Seattle to San Francisco covered just over 1,000 miles and included stops in Bend, Crater Lake, Redwood National Forest, the Pacific Coast Highway, and finally ended at my friend Kristen's in Walnut Creek just northeast of San Francisco.

Bend, OR
My friend Skye followed me to Bend so we could ski Mt. Bachelor and kick in the new year.  Unfortunately, after hearing from locals that it’s not worth the $80 for crappy conditions, we parted ways after two days and I headed south to ring in 2014.  Having a friend to hang out with for a couple of days was a nice way to start the journey, so thank you Skye!  I was able to see Mt. Hood and The Three Sisters in Bend, but Mt. Bachelor will need to wait.
Mt Hood from the south after crossing through the Mt Hood Wilderness.  Highest point in OR at 11,239 ft. 
Bend, OR - The Three Sisters from the Tumaloo State Park where we stayed for two nights

Crater Lake, OR
Since the West Coast is suffering from a lack of snow, I headed towards Crater Lake hoping that I could make it to the top.  What an amazing place!  I must admit that I was anxious the entire 2 hour drive from Bend (60 miles of “dangerous snow and road condition” warnings will do that). It was a blessing that the north entrance was closed forcing me to circle the west side and enter from the south.  Later, someone told me that the drive from north to south through the park is like driving on a cliff with nothing protecting either side… that’s a bit too aggressive this early on!  There was a section of the ascent that was icy, but PattyWaggin did just fine and I felt a bond of trust grow between us.  The reward at the top was mind-blowing!  Trooper got out and ran around in the snow like a child on Christmas morning.  Even though dogs are only allowed in designated places, a.k.a the parking lot, I found a secluded trail and let him loose.  After a few hours, we had a picnic of apples and cheese on a secluded bluff and then headed down the mountain before it got too dark.  
Crater Lake South Rim looking West.  The lake is 1,943 feet making it the deepest lake in the United States, and the ninth deepest in the world.  
Crater Lake South Rim looking North
Crater Lake South Rim looking East
Trooper & I soaking in the sun from almost 2,000 feet above the water!

After Crater Lake, I headed south towards the Redwoods.  Even though I saw them with my own eyes, I can’t believe how big they are.  I wanted to spend a few days in the National Forest, but due to road and pet restrictions, and Elk wandering all over the campsites, I continued driving south on the Redwood Highway.  I stopped a few times along the road to get some photos and stand in awe; these magnificent giants are ridiculous and incredible!  
Redwood National Forest - Redwood vs. PattyWaggin
Redwood National Forest - Redwood vs. Trooper (he's to the right of the tree)
Redwood National Forest Elk

Pacific Coast Highway - Patricks Point State Park
After continuing south past the Redwood National Forest, I left the Redwood Highway and merged onto Highway 1, the Pacific Coast Highway.  I found a great park to stop for a couple of days; Patricks Point State Park is located just north of Trinidad, CA and is a perfect blend of thick forest and ocean views.  I spent two days hiking and taking photos.  The first day was heavy with fog, but the sun came out the second day and I was able to enjoy the ocean.  On the second morning as I prepared to pull out, I met a beautiful old soul named Freesia.  She is an 8 year old little girl who came over to meet Trooper.  After a few minutes, she asked me “Where am I headed” which I found thought-provoking and funny considering I have no idea.  She said that she's smart and good at math, which will help her make a lot of money when she’s older.  So I shared my story with her… that I left a lot of money to live in PattyWaggin for a year and that money isn’t everything.  I gave her the advice to find something that she loves and Iet happiness and success follow her.  She walked away for a few minutes and came back with a flower and a hug, and as she was leaving, she turned to me and said “I wish you the best of luck”.  I’m not sure how, in a few minutes, a little 8 year old girl named Freesia can become my kindred spirit, but she did.
Patricks Point State Park early morning fog blocking the ocean view
The ocean really is there!
Day two brings sunshine and amazing ocean views.  This is Wedding Rock.
Me on Wedding Rock with Agate Beach in the background
People digging for agate on Agate Beach.  I had no idea what to look for and despite the help of two locals, I never found one.
A local man serious about finding agate
Agate Beach - my contribution 
Patricks Point State Park - sunset through the trees on the hike home 
Patricks Point State Park - our new friend Freesia

Trinidad, CA
After leaving Patricks Point, I stopped in a small fishing town called Trinidad where Trooper and I hiked the Trinidad Head trail.  It was sunny and warm, and felt like heaven!  I forgot how healing the sun can be.  The trailhead was located next to Katy’s Smokehouse so I stopped in to buy some local favs.  The owner said that I must try their “world’s best canned tuna” because it’s nothing more than tuna in its natural juices.  He suggested I eat it right out of the can, which is exactly what I did.  Trooper and I shared the can with some crackers sitting alongside the ocean and I must admit… it was indeed the world’s best canned tuna.  I think T would agree!
The small fishing town Trinidad, CA on the Pacific Coast Highway 

Top of Trinidad Head Trails
I was holding his leash :)
Pacific Coast Highway - Final Stretch
As I’m writing this week’s post, I’m parked on a cliff alongside the Pacific Ocean on highway 1 just south of Westport.  It’s been an interesting week and hard to believe that just 6 days ago, I pulled out of Seattle with everything that I’ll have for a year stuffed into a 27’ Phoenix Cruiser class B motorhome.  Many of the days have felt like I’m on a vacation and any moment I’ll be heading back north to Seattle, but tonight is different.  I pulled off just in time to watch the sunset and was fortunate enough to see two whales on the horizon. The sun set quickly and I'm now in a darkness that I rarely have experienced; and what a shame because the stars are perfectly amazing, especially the shooting stars.  The sky is sparkling and twinkling like the best holiday lights and I had to force myself inside (mainly because my neck could no longer hold my head parallel to the ground). 

Pacific Coast Highway just south of Westport - time to pull over for the night
Pulled over just in time to see a whale! 
and catch a beautiful sunset...
Final Thoughts
The most challenging thing about this journey so far is deciding where to stop for the night.  I didn’t budget $20 - $40/night for state parks and rv parks so I need to find a balance between the money factor and the creepy factor.  In just 5 short days on the road, I’ve pulled in and immediately pulled out of a handful of places simply because they creeped me out (a call out here to Kendal Poth and the Unbreakable Woman seminar we went to.   You should be proud... I’m actually listening to my intuitive ping!).  It becomes a little frustrating, but inevitably I end up in a great place so I need to trust the path that unravels before me (and stay the hell away from creepy!!).

At the end of this first week, the things I find most enjoyable are not wearing makeup, the simplicity of living in such a small space, and the feeling of absolute freedom that is brewing in my veins.  The thing I like least is relying on technology.  My phone had little service most of this week and my RV navigation system went out so I forced to use a map… how did people do this before GPS??? :)


  1. Good job listening to your ping so you don't have to bust out your intentional crazy :) Your first few entries gave me chills. Reading these will be the highlight of my week! xoxo

  2. You are a really good blogger! Well, what did I expect (overachiever...). I'm so happy you are off to a good start and making friends along the way. I am enjoying your hat wardrobe and think you should find one just like Freesias. You may not need it as you head south, but once you come back north it could be very nice and warm. Happy New Year! I miss you!
