Saturday, June 14, 2014

Week 24: White Mountains, NH to Maine's Coastline

I left the mountains of New Hampshire for Maine’s coast to visit one of my closest friends in Portland, spend several days in Acadia National Park, and make my way "down east" toward Canada.

Portland, ME
Thursday evening, 6/5, I stayed in a Walmart parking lot in Scarborough, ME (the nicest one yet!) waiting to spend the weekend with Jordan and his girls.  It had been a while since I ate out and the parking lot bordered Texas Roadhouse, so I enjoyed (as did Trooper) some ribs and a ridiculous sweet potato side.  Jordan and I met in middle school and have been close friends ever since.  Similar to many of my East Coast friends, it had been close to 10 years since I saw him, so I was thrilled when he surprised me Friday morning in the Walmart lot en route to work.  He looked even better than I remember and it was as if no time had passed.  He had to work so I spent the day at the nearby Crescent Beach State Park.  It was a glorious day with blue skies, warm breezes and the smell of the sea swirling around us.  Trooper and I walked around for a while then I put him in the RV so I could go on the beach (no dogs allowed).  It was a magnificent welcome to Maine and reminded me how much I love this state.

Thursday night in a Walmart parking lot.. why not!
Grassy path leading to sand and ocean
T cooling off in the chilly Atlantic
But intimidated by the waves
Beach rose soaking in the sun
T enjoying off-leash time (shhh... I found a hidden beach spot)
Islands, fishing boats, rocky coast... I'm definitely in Maine 
The endangered and controversial Piping Plover; the reason dogs are no longer allowed on the beach

Friday night I met Jordan’s amazing wife and daughter.  Even though his daughter Paige and her best friend Abby were more interested in the RV and Trooper, I felt welcomed and at home.  It’s comforting to meet your friend’s spouse and feel peace in your heart with the great person they are with.  Jordan’s wife, Sonya, has an authenticity and calm to her that I instantly connected with.  Paige is a miniature version of Sonya but her personality has a lot of similarities to Jordan.  If she is anything like Jordan was during our college years… well Jordan, you deserve it!   We spent Saturday at Ferry Beach enjoying a warm welcome to summer after a brutal winter.   The sand sparkled, the water was frigid but refreshing, and the company was like coming home after a long time.

Pure warmth
Such a great dad!
After the initial shock, the water wasn't "too bad" (Abby on left; Paige on right)
J & J reunited 
Beautiful mermaids (the handy work of Jordan)

Saturday night, Jordan and I went out with his older brother Jason who I also had not seen in a long time.  It was lovely spending time with the Garlock boys after so many years.  I’ve written it before and will write it again that there was something unique and magical about growing up in the Pocono Mountains.  On Sunday, 6/8, I helped Jordan with yard work before heading to the Lobster Shack at Two Lights State Park.  I had my first lobster roll and the simplicity of fresh caught lobster, bread and mayo was pure deliciousness.  Add in french fries, cole slaw, a whoopie pie and the Atlantic Ocean, and you have a perfect Sunday evening.  I miss Jordan and it was sad leaving, but I know it won’t be a decade before we sit across from each other and share laughs.  THANK YOU Jordan, Sonya and Paige for welcoming me into your home and for a great weekend!

Great company, Great evening
And great food! 
A beautiful coastline
And just happened to be the spot where Jordan proposed
Precious Paige
Wouldn't be Maine without a lighthouse
And a great moon rising over the ocean

Camden Hills State Park
I left Portland Monday, 6/9 and drove “down east” on route 1 toward Acadia but made a pitstop at Camden Hills State Park.  Route 1 is filled with beautiful coastal towns;  I drove this route many years ago and was pleased to see not much had changed.  Shortly after arriving at Camden Hills, I left Trooper in the RV to climb to the top of Mt. Megunticook.  It was humid, buggy and well worth the climb to sweeping views of the ocean and neighboring mountains.  Since it was a relatively short hike, I was able to get back to the RV and take Trooper on an easier walk along Shoreline Trail.

Almost there
Well worth it with views of the Maine coastline
And views of Camden Snow Bowl in the distance
Trooper's time to stretch the legs 
Or take a few minutes to enjoy the view
Fresh and delicious meal to end the day (that's vegan cream cheese... not bad)

Acadia National Park
On Tuesday, I finished the drive to Acadia National Park and decided to stay in Blackwoods Campground because it was close to many of the popular trailheads.  Since there are no services at the campground, we simply pulled in, put on the hiking shoes, grabbed the camera and backpack, and headed to the ocean.  We walked along Ocean Trail for a few miles getting lost in the beauty and grandeur of the quintessential Maine coastline.

Otter Cove at low tide
Looking north at Sand Beach
Monument Cove
What a way to see the coastline
Oceanside photo opp
T overlooking Monument Cove
Thumbs up from the climbing class
Break time

I woke up early Wednesday morning to sun shining through the trees and decided it was a good day to hike to the top of Cadillac Mountain.  Unfortunately, I had to leave Trooper behind since the hike was too long and steep for him.  Cadillac Mountain is the tallest mountain on the eastern seaboard at 1530’.  From the campsite, it was 4.5 miles to the summit on forest paths covered in pine needles  and rock outcroppings with sweeping views of the national park, islands and ocean.  When I reached the top, I was thrilled with the views but overwhelmed with the numerous people who had driven to the top.  After a few minutes, I left the summit and found a quiet rock to enjoy a snack and the view.

Hiker cairn to guide the way

Featherbed Pond
Couldn't resist capturing the sound
Feeling on top of the world!
Almost to the summit (far right)
View of Eagle Lake
Summit view overlooking Bar Harbor and islands
Summit photo by family who drove to the top
Lots of cars and people
Quiet time

The next day was cooler and cloudy, so I took Trooper out to explore Acadia’s carriage trails.  Started in the early 1900’s, John D. Rockefeller Jr. financed the construction of 57 miles of “broken-stone” roads with granite from Mt. Desert Island.  Today, these are enjoyed by hikers, cyclists and horse riders.  After the previous day's 9-mile hike, the flat and easy carriage roads were a nice stroll through the park.  That night, several people stopped by the camper to meet Trooper and me.  Apparently word got around about the woman from Seattle who was traveling alone for a year.  It was a pleasant evening sharing stories and making new friends.  A couple from Australia is also heading to Nova Scotia, so I hope our paths cross again in the near future.

Well built and maintained carriage roads
With several impressive bridges
Chicken of the Woods named for tasting like chicken (so "they" say)
Bar Harbor, ME
We left Acadia early Friday morning so I could use the “hot shower stand” outside the campground before heading to Bar Harbor for the day.  Trooper and I walked around the downtown and waterfront before stopping at Morning Glory Bakery for breakfast.  It was busier than I expected for 8 a.m. but when I saw the cruise ship, I knew busy season was upon us.  

Downtown Bar Harbor
Serene waterfront
Then there's this
J & T
Shore Trail

"Down East"
Down East refers to the Maine coastline heading toward the Canadian border. We left Bar Harbor around noon on Friday, 6/13 and continued our journey “down east” to a small and lovely campground called Sunset Point in Harrington, ME.  I wanted a couple of days to do laundry and plan my entry into Canada, which I hope to be in the next couple of days.  Spending the summer in Canada is a bit intimidating but I’m excited about the possibility of exploring Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and whatever else presents itself as I travel back west.

Oceanside at Sunset Point

Thank you for reading and until next time!

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