Sunday, August 31, 2014

Week 33: BC to Banff with Alexa

My dear friend Alexa Gaivoto left her home and kids in Seattle to hang out with me in one of my favorite destinations, giving me a great excuse to revisit Banff.

Alexa's Arrival
On Friday (8/8), I made my way from Banff to Calgary to await Alexa’s arrival at 9 p.m.  Based on a recommendation from the Canmore Visitor Center, I went to Cross Mills Shopping Center just north of the airport.  There was a large gravel area not only perfect for waiting but I also decided it was a perfect indoctrination for Alexa to spend the night on the gritty side of boondocking.  While I waited, Joanne (met in Revelstoke) was sweet enough to visit me for a few hours and bring Dal for dinner.  It was great to see her again; thank you Joanne for fighting Calgary traffic on a Friday night!  

Thanks Joanne for visiting me in a gravel lot!

I picked Alexa up around 9:30 p.m. and took her back to the gravel lot; we kept laughing as more RVs pulled in through the evening making it quite the spot.  It was awesome having Alexa in my “home on wheels” and I was very much looking forward to a great week.  The next morning after breakfast, we headed to Canmore.  I wanted to show Alexa my favorite spots and this town just outside Banff National Park is a hidden gem.  It has a great little downtown, is nestled in a similar landscape to Banff, but doesn’t have all the hype and mayhem of its better know neighbor.  We enjoyed a second breakfast (why not, we’re on vacation!) and a velvety smooth mocha at CommuniTea before continuing to Banff.

Welcome to Canada Alexa!

On Sunday (8/10), we geared up and walked to the Tunnel Mountain trailhead to warm up the legs before climbing to the top.  It was a beautiful day and we enjoyed the views from the top while snacking on apples and trail mix.  We continued a day of activity by walking into downtown from the trailhead.  We stopped at Wild Flour for lunch and I felt like I was giving her a tour of my hometown (perhaps a sign for the future???).  While on WiFi, I received an email from Judy and Craig that they were in Banff at the same campground.  I was excited at the possibility of seeing them again so that night, Alexa and I walked around the campground and indeed, I found them.  I’m happy Alexa got to meet these wonderful new friends.  Little did Alexa know that she timed the trip perfectly to witness the full moon rise over the Canadian Rockies.  

Job well done
Snack time
View of downtown Banff on a glorious day
Overlooking the Bow River
Alexa showing off her camp cooking skills
When Alexa is around, we eat very well
Picturesque ending to a great day
And a full moon just because

The next day I had planned a scenic drive to show Alexa the amazing Icefields.  We left around noon and made our way north on the Bow River Parkway (1A) out of Banff then picked up 93 north also known as the Icefields Parkway.  We stopped at Bow Lake so I could show her one of my favorite spots along the way.  

Valley en route north 
Alexa and T at Bow Lake
Feet in frigid glacial water
Flowers, Bow Lake, and Crowfoot Glacier = heaven
SO good to see her!
Such beautiful colors
T alert about something
These bridges are for animals to cross the highway safely

Glacial water flowing into Peyto Lake 
Peyto Lake looking in the opposite direction

We arrived at the Columbia Icefield mid-afternoon.  Neither of us are fond of tourist attractions so I parked off the beaten path and we spent a good amount of time making our way toward the glacier.  I forgot about Alexa’s photography style; she loves macros, so as I looked to the horizon to capture big landscape shots, she was on her knees capturing a flower or rock.  We laughed about our contrast but it inspired me to take a few more closeups.

Apparently, T is bored with all the beauty
Alexa at the Columbia Icefield
Such contrast
My baby boy
Alexa and her macros
Me practicing macros

Tuesday (8/12) was our Banff day.  We spent most of the day walking around downtown, visiting the Canada Parks gardens and validating with locals that the Banff Hot Springs are not worth doing.  According to one barista, since Mount St. Helens erupted, the springs lost their natural heat so the hotel warms them up and it’s like taking a warm bath with 250 strangers.  Not exactly an inviting description, so we took that off our agenda.  We ate lunch at Saltlik, dinner at Giorgios and dessert at Bernards Chocolates (highly recommend sampling their rosemary, thyme, chili chocolate!).  It was a fun day of walking, talking, window shopping and of course, eating.

Wild Flour treats for me and T 
Love this poofy thing
And these are everywhere

Alexa’s final day was a bit somber and appropriately cloudy, but I knew she was excited to get home to Gael and Amalia.  We walked around Lake Minnewanka for a little while before heading to the airport.  I was sad to say goodbye to Alexa and to Banff.  It was a wonderful week in a great town with a great friend.   

Lake Minnewanka on a cloudy day 
Beautiful flowers can brighten any day
T checking things out
Last shot of a great visit

Final Thoughts
Simple things like great friends.  After two weeks of meeting new friends and seeing old ones, I'm humbled by the love and friendship that surrounds me.  Thank you Alexa for coming to see me.  It reminded me that I'm not too far from home and always have friends nearby.

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