Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Week 12: Granite Falls, NC to Roanoke, VA

After a fun spur of the moment stay with my cousin in Granite Falls, NC, I had a few days before going to my friend's house in Roanoke so I decided to do a quick trip to the Outer Banks.  The excursion added 840 miles but was well worth it!

Outer Banks
On Monday, 3/10, I left Granite Falls early knowing I had a long drive ahead of me.  It took 8 hours to get to Hatteras which is the southernmost point in the Outer Banks.  The entire drive south on highway 12 was one ghost town after another with most shops, hotels and campgrounds closed for the season.  I suppose I should have checked into this before making the 8-hour drive.  Trooper and I stopped a few times to walk over the dunes and check out the beaches.  There was a quiet and raw beauty to the area validating my decision to go there.  

Drive south on Highway 12
First view of the Atlantic side of OBX looking south at Hatteras
The view looking north 
T & I enjoying getting out of the RV after a long day of driving
Quiet, beautiful and perfect welcome to the OBX

Fortunately, Frisco Woods Campground was open for off-season camping. The campground is 4 miles north of Cape Hatteras and located on the Pamlico Sound, which is the largest lagoon on the east coast.  I was the only RV creating a very cool camping experience on the water.

Awesome campsite overlooking the Pamlico Sound!
Just in time for a spectacular sunset

Tuesday, 3/11, Trooper and I spent several hours walking on the Atlantic Coast side of the outer banks soaking up the sun. Since it was off season, the locals were allowed to drive on the beach so we met a few and watched them surf fish for Puppy Drum.  Even though very few places were open, I enjoyed an energy in the air with locals preparing for the busy season.  One gentleman told me that the population grows from 5,000 to 50,000! 

Time to sit and slow down time
Me goofing around
A Sanderling looking for lunch
T enjoying the dunes

Since Roanoke was a long drive, I decided to head north on Wednesday, 3/12.  I drove through Nags Head, Kitty Hawk, and ended up in Duck for a mocha and coffee cake before saying goodbye to the Outer Banks.  Even though it was a long deviation, I’m happy I went.  Leaving the OBX, I headed north towards Newport News, VA.  I wanted to stop in Hampton to see the house I lived in until I was 8, but Dad warned me that the area was no longer safe so I continued en route.  It was very windy and several times, the wind took the RV from one lane to another.  At one point, I started laughing out loud at how ridiculous I was driving.  After 4 hours of fighting the wind, I pulled into Occoneechee State Park located on John H. Kerr Reservoir outside Clarksville, VA.  Trooper and I went for a walk before dinner, but got caught in a thunderstorm making for a wet and stinky night in the RV!  Thursday morning was still windy and brisk, but sunny so Trooper and I went for a long hike before making our way to Helen’s.

Helen’s in Roanoke
If you read my post from Becky's, then you read about Helen.  Helen and I also met in south-central Ohio in 1995 when we worked at the Uranium Enrichment plant.  We instantly became close friends with our mutual love for the outdoors and many weekend trips to the University of Findlay to attain our Masters in Environmental Management.  The last time I saw Helen and her husband Craig was six years ago in Seattle when they were en route to Alaska.  I never met their two children, so I was excited to finally meet them (even though they were more excited to meet Trooper!).  Helen, Anna and Sam were waiting outside when we pulled up.  It was emotional seeing Helen and her beautiful children welcoming us with big smiles.  Thursday and Friday we spent most of our time cooking, hiking, and playing with the kids.  Sam fell in love with Trooper and I’m sure he is still asking mommy and daddy for a dog… sorry Helen and Craig!

Sam, Anna, Elliott and Brynne having fun in the RV
Helen working from home on a snow day
Helen & I checking out a new local coffeehouse "Sweet Donkey Coffee"
One of the best mocha's I've had on the road
Sam showing off his skills... 3 years old and no training wheels!
Neighborhood kids getting a kick out of Trooper
Sam showing off more skills... I see an athlete in the future
Friday night pizza night!
Job well done
Teaching T a new trick
Father & son love
Homemade fish tacos... delicious!

Helen planned a ski getaway for us and Craig was kind enough to puppy sit Trooper.  We went to Snowshoe, WV Saturday and Sunday.  It had been a long time since I skied there and I was thrilled to see the new village on top of the mountain.  The alone time with Helen was awesome!  We skied hard, treated ourselves to an outdoor apres ski experience, and enjoyed some good old girl time.  Thank you Helen for a wonderful surprise getaway!!

Not much snow left but still great fun!
Perfect spring skiing conditions
Apres Ski done right
Sunset over the Allegheny Mountains

I planned on leaving Monday but a winter storm kept me there for a week.  I enjoyed every minute!  It was truly a gift to spend so much time with the Favor Family.  Anna and Sam are precious, made me laugh for hours, and made it hard to leave.  Helen is one of the strongest, kindest, and most independent feminists I know.  It is wonderful to see her as a wife and mother, and yet still be so much of the same person I knew many years ago.  Helen and Craig are a wonderful couple and I enjoyed being a part of their lives in a fun city with special friends.  I thank them both for being so welcoming and making me feel like I was home.

St Patty's Day with Debra (she ordered the green beer!)
Goofing around
Overlooking downtown Roanoke
En route to the new Candy Store... think they're excited?
Anna picked Hello Kitty gum
Helen picked this for me because of my love for bacon (and yes, it was yummy!)
Sam picking out his gummy candy
Helen and I getting our version of treats called coffee!
Anna and Sam running to Sarah's hot tub
Playtime with "big Sam"
Sarah the fire starter
Happy (and waterlogged) kids!

Final Thoughts
I am humbled by the love and generosity of my friends and grateful for the opportunity to spend time in their daily lives.  I have been reminded at how truly blessed I am to have amazing and inspiring people in my life.  Whether we have been friends for three weeks or three decades, thank you for your friendship and for sharing your lives!

Bread on left: Pumpkin chocolate chip from Becky
Bread on right: Banana chocolate chip from Helen
You two ladies are the best!!

Until next time... 

1 comment:

  1. Another great week! Skiing in the mountains of NC then sunning in the sand of the OBX. When I was a kid, my family had vacations at Nags Head. Sure has grown since then.
    Spending time reconnecting with old friends sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate life!
